Thursday, January 27, 2011

Our Family is Growing!

Ok, ok. I know what you are all thinking. We're having a baby right? Well, not so much, but our family is growing! EW and I will be the parents of a puppy! We are so very excited about our new addition, that I just couldn't wait till she gets here to blog about it. My mom went over to the house tonight to pick out our new fur-baby. So I'm sure you're wondering how we got to this point? Well, here's a short summary:
A couple months ago, my mom mentioned that her co worker's sister's dog was going to have puppies. At the time, I really didn't think anything of it, until I was home recently and she mentioned how they were almost ready to go home to loving families. EW and I had been looking into adopting, but we need a small dog for our place, and we couldn't find one that would be a good fit. However, the puppies are half Boston Terrier and half Puggle (pug/beagle). So she shouldn't get over 20lbs. After mom mentioned it, I was done. We were getting one of these babes. Of course, I talked to Eric about it. We discussed it at length and I did whine a bit, maybe, but we both love dogs, so I kinda knew he would be on board.
Since the pups were almost ready, and they want to start having people come and get them, I had my mom go pick out our girl. She called me when she was driving back home, and said she just knew which one. I don't have any pictures, so you will have to wait till we go pick her up the 2nd weekend in Feb. Till then, we are trying to get our place all ready for our little one. Growing up we had a dog, but she was already 6 months old, so this puppy thing will be a bit new to me. I really can't wait. This will test EW and my parenting and training skills. We will have to work together to raise a living thing! If EW and I have children (the jury's out until we see how we do with the puppy) I hope we will have a better sense of how we each react in different situations and working on being a team. I thought I wanted to have kids in the next year or so, but now this puppy thing seems 10x better! Kids are now on the back-burner for 2 if not 3+ years. I think EW is relieved, lol.
Also, if you didn't know, I am starting a new job next week! I am a teacher at a daycare in the Infant room, but I might be in other rooms depending on where they need me. Yay for that!
Now for a pic: This is where the pup's crate will go (when we get her crate trained). Of course I had to get some blankets and a toy! How lucky can a dog get? She will be soooo loved!


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