Sunday, March 18, 2012

A Sore Leg, and other News

Again, I have not posted as often as I would have liked. One of the main reasons is that my camera battery has been dead and I couldn't find the charger. I think my posts are so much more interesting with pictures, hence the long time between posts. Well I finally found the charger! So here is an update on the what has been going on in the Witko household:
    First off Bandit had her comprehensive exam about 2 weeks ago. She has been favoring her back left leg when running, and thinking she's just a goofball, I really didn't think anything of it since she didn't limp while walking. We had the vet check it out anyway, and of course we find out she tore her ACL. Seriously. Thankfully everything isn't tore, but it needs to heal. That means 4 weeks of rest. Yeah, have you met my dog?! If not she's a bit wild. She's half boston terrier, half beagle. She doesn't really ever run on low. The vet said we could give her benadryl to calm her down a bit, which worked...for the 1st week. She has gotten used to it since. Her follow-up appt is tomorrow, so we shall see if the 'rest' thing is working at all.

Resting, but still needs to see what's going on!
 EW was chosen to be the Godfather of our nephew Benson. We went to his 1st Birthday Party/Baptism last weekend. It was alot of fun, and great to see EW in the role of Godfather.
It has been awesome to see how great he is with his niece and nephew. EW hasn't been around kids much, so I wasn't for sure how he would do around little ones. In the past year or so, he's really become hands-on, where as before he was a bit hesitant. We've already discussed that when we do get pregnant, we will be taking a parenting class to brush up on our skills, and I am confident that he will make an amazing Daddy. If some of you are wondering if we are expecting, or planning on it anytime soon, the answer is no. We are taking it all in, and not really making a decision at the moment. Basically we are putting it in God's hands. (Ha, I sound like a Duggar) But seriously, if the time is right God will give us a baby, we are just waiting for that time.

Benson with his parents (Rachel and Brian), Godmother (Kristen) and Godfather (EW)

  Last night we went to Amy and Tristan's wedding in Fox Lake, IL. I know Amy from EIU, and we were very excited to celebrate with them, especially on St. Patrick's Day! We didn't make it to the wedding, but were able to eat and dance at the reception. The bride and groom looked amazing, and it was great to see them. Not sure when we will be able to again, since they live in Arizona!
Bride and Groom cutting the cake
 Our Festive Green wedding attire!
    The rest of this month will fly by I'm sure, and so will next! I'm gearing up for my friend, Ashley's wedding the weekend of April 21st. As a bridesmaid, I have been trying to get everything ready: dress, shoes, figuring out hair, and where I need to be at what time. I'm leaving that Thursday night for her bachelorette party, then staying for the rehearsal dinner Friday night, and then wedding, Saturday. With just one vehicle now, it's been interesting figuring out which of us is going where, and how the other will get there, but I think we mostly have it together.

     We have been in Lent for a few weeks now, and I decided to give up french fries. I am in love with McDonald's fries, so I thought I would try to become healthier and give something up at the same time :) So far is has been going well. Even though I miss them, I know I can live without them.
    I am loving this weather, it has been lovely to open windows and get some fresh air, however, this means there are more noises from the outdoors, which makes Bandit go nuts. She barks and barks over people walking by, or a distant dog barking. She has amazing hearing. I'm really thinking about getting a bark collar, not for shocking, but for the noise button. The high pitched noise is supposed to work. I really don't want to zap her, but the barking is getting to me. Any ideas from animal owners/lovers? I don't want her to stop barking altogether because she is an amazing watch dog, and I feel safer with her barking when someone is at the door, or at night when people are walking by our sliding door. I just can't stand the barking at EVERYTHING.

     I've already mentioned this, but I finally have pictures to share. We got EW a new chair a couple weeks ago, and I finally have a picture to show the before and after! Quite a difference, right?

 Old (above), New (Below)

Have a good week!
