Friday, September 23, 2011

Vicodin and Mustaches

Last Thursday I had sinus surgery. I did pretty well considering I hate being around surgical places. Of course I was put out by general anesthetic, and came out fine. I knew I would, since everything went well with my gallbladder surgery, but I was still nervous. EW was with me, so I was really happy about that. I came out of surgery really well, and even asked to go home as soon at I got to the recovery room #2. The only bandage I had what this rolled up gauze under my nose. Ugh, so annoying! It felt really awkward--like a mustache gone awry, and I wanted to rip it off. However, I was told I had to keep it on because my nose would be dripping for awhile, and indeed it was called a mustache bandage--Go Figure!
Thankfully EW was able to take Thursday and Friday off in order to take care of me. I'm so glad he did, since I really had to take it easy and just lay in bed through the weekend. With the vicodin and antibiotics, I was really out of it, and slept most of the days/nights.
Please disregard my disgusting look in the photo below,
but I wanted you to see the dreaded 'Mustache'

This is what the other two did while I was recovering...

In other news:
If you are not familiar with our apartment location, we have a high school in our back yard. The field is right behind us and we are able to see soccer and football games a few nights a week. Also, we are able to hear band practice at 7am almost everyday. Yeah, it was kinda cool in the beginning, but after a few weeks now, it's getting a bit old. Bandit on the other had just loves it! She loves watching the kids walk around and listen to Chicago's '25 or 6 to 4' for hours. I'll hook her up to the leash attached to the patio if it's nice outside, and she will sit in the sun and just watch them moving around. I'm just happy she can be entertained without me!
Bandit completely at attention watching the show!

Marching Band practice/The Day's Entertainment

I'm really working on getting our place clean, so I hope to have more pictures in the near future! And hopefully more interesting news also!


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Chicago: Sailing

On Sunday, EW and I went into Chicago to use the groupon he got for the tall ship, 'Windy', at Navy Pier. After we got into Chicago, we took the water taxi to Navy Pier. This was my first time on it, and the scenery was awesome.

Waiting for the taxi to take off.

I took so many pictures. These were a few of my favorites.

I love this one! The reflection looks so good.
This one is at Navy Pier. We are taking off on the Tall Ship 'Windy'

Raising the Sails. 
The Lighthouse.

Do I look sea sick? Yeah, I'm trying to hold it together.

The sailing tour was interesting. Eric enjoyed it, but I really wasn't feeling the rolling waves. I'm happy EW had fun, but I don't think I'll be going sailing again anytime soon. EW was even able to help raise one of the sails. Of course he did it out of my line of sight, and there was no way I was going to get up and walk to take a picture while my stomach was heaving.  
After we were back on land (Thank God!), we got together with our friends Kevin and Vicky. We caught up and had a delicious dinner. Then EW and I were off back to the burbs, but alas, we missed our train. Luckily, Kevin and Vicky graciously opened their home to us for a couple hours. We had a great time with them, and can't wait till we can return the favor!


Monday, September 12, 2011

Our New Apartment

Finally I'm getting around to posting a few pictures of our new place. I apologize that there is still a bit of clutter, but I know that you are all wanting to know what our new place is like, so I just snapped a few angles to show how the main rooms are set up. I plan on having everything put together nicely by the time we have our first get-together. Until then, this is as good as it gets...
Bandit, at her favorite place (besides under the bed, that is)
Another angle of the living room

View of the TV corner (a little dark)

Kitchen/Dining area. The Kitchen is really tiny!

Tired puppy. 
She's waiting for mommy to come back and lay with her.
Now that you have seen the place, you have to come over and check it out for yourself! We love having people come to visit. My parents actually came to visit this past weekend. Bandit loved seeing Granma and Granpa. She wouldn't leave Granpa's lap, and gave Granma TONS of kisses. Bandit even tried to take a ride on her back! Oh, our girl is pretty crazy sometimes.
It was really great seeing my parents. I miss them so much, and really wish we could live closer. I'm happy we were able to get our schedules together, between my sinus surgery, Thursday, and everything leading up to my dad's hip replacement, there weren't many weekends available.
We did a lot this past weekend, and I hope to get another post up tomorrow about our trip to Chicago yesterday, which was a blast, so stay tuned!


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Kenna and Ben

A few weeks ago, I was able to hang out with my niece and nephew for a few hours. McKenna is almost 17 months and Benson is almost 6 months. They are growing up so quickly! Ben is really close to all-out crawling, and Kenna is adding to her vocabulary every day!
At first, neither wanted anything to do with me. It's probably because they haven't seen me in over a month. It's funny how even though we live relatively close, we don't get to see each other often. Life always seems to get in the way. So every time I do get to see them, I really try to take whole advantage of it. I really can't wait to have kids, but for some reason EW doesn't feel the need to start procreating. Hmm, I wonder if it's the lack funds or enjoying sleep too much? I'm guessing it's both!
Here are a couple of pictures I was able to snap before I left. Kenna wasn't that interested in looking at the camera, but Ben was willing!

Having fun together!

Thanks for letting me hang out with you both! One day soon I hope to add a cousin to the Witko clan. Hopefully you both won't be too old to have fun with them!

~Aunt Brina

1 year

I know I'm a bit late on this, but late is better than never!
September 4th was our 1 year anniversary. It really has been a whirl-wind year. We began by adjusting to married life and a new apartment. Then added a member to the family, our sweet Bandit Blu, and moved again. In that year I got a job and then quit (the same day they wanted to get rid of me anyway). It has been a year full of laughter and tears. They say the first year is the hardest, and I have to agree with that. My mom likes to say that all of our vows have been tested this year. For better or worse (we've seen some worse this year), for richer or poorer (yeah, we're pretty poor, paycheck to paycheck poor), in sickness and in health (we've had quite a few health issues this year, and mine are still on-going). Yes, we have had one hell of a year, and I hope to never go through one like it again, but the best part about the past year is having EW by my side. I really don't think I could have made it through this year without him. He was there every time things seemed to fall apart. Always reassuring me that it would get better.
Thank you EW for always being there for me, for trying so hard to make everything work out, and loving me even though I am crazy sometimes. I love you more than I did 365 days ago.

On Sunday, we started the day by going to an awesome church we have decided to start going to. It's just around the corner, so it's even better! When we got home, we took Bandit on a walk at a really nice park across the street. We came home, and just rested, until we left for dinner. We went to Maggiano's Little Italy, and had amazing food. They had gluten-free pasta. I was so excited I was able to have pasta! After dinner, we were able to get tickets for a screening of the movie WARRIOR, which doesn't come out till this Friday. The movie was great, and I recommend that everyone see it. I don't really like sports movies, but it's totally worth it! We came home and then had wedding cake. It tasted just as good as it did a year ago. It wasn't dry at all! I had a little, but I can only eat the icing, since the cake isn't gluten-free. The day was perfect. I couldn't ask for a better day or person to spend it with!
Our waitress helped us out!

 It tastes so good! I put the topper on to re-create the moment lol
Walk in Darien Park!
 It was a beautiful day, about the same as the year before :)

Just a boy and his dog :)

Thanks to everyone who helped us get through the past year!
