Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Weekend

I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas! I can say we did. It was our first Christmas together, and we tried to make it as memorable as possible. Who knows if we'll have another Christmas with just the two of us (you never As always, I was the one to wake up first, and wanted to open presents. I already had an idea of what I might get, since I hinted around, but it was still a surprise to find another present on the tree.
Christmas Eve day, Eric got the day off, so when I got up, I made waffles. I thought I would make them special by dying them green. We got the rest of the gifts ready, and headed over to EW's parents' house for a celebration with his family and my sister-in-law's family. A good time was had by all, and the food was so yummy!
Christmas morning we woke up and opened our gifts, then went to church. We came back and got ready to go to EW's parents' house, where we opened more gifts, and had our full of more yummy food. I took red-velvet cupcakes with snowmen on top (see photo below). Thanks Martha for the recipe! Of course I took some pictures over the weekend, but not as many as I thought I would. McKenna was the one that got the most pictures on Christmas day. I am just goo-goo for babies lately. I can't decide if that's a good or bad thing...ha.
Ok, here's the pictures!
EW eating the Christmas Waffles
Snowmen Cupcakes
One of my gifts from EW
Mint-Chocolate Chip Candle---smells so good!
Can you tell it's 7:30am?

Kenna after opening presents
She was puckering her lips, blowing. Just too cute!
We got a new tree skirt from his parents. He was the tree.

Hope you all have a safe and great New Year!
Oh, I have a possible job thingy tomorrow, so wish me luck! I'll let you know more about it if it all works out!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Merry Christmas and 2010 in Review

So I thought I would try to get in one more post before the holidays! Lots has been going on with getting ready for Christmas, and going home last weekend for the wedding of a woman I worked with last year. I went home on Friday to visit with my family, and then headed to Pontiac to stay with my friend and favorite sp. ed. teacher! We went to the wedding together and got to hang out and catch up.
Other than getting ready for Christmas, I haven't been doing too much except cleaning and decorating, and of course I have pictures of my attempts that would hopefully make Martha proud.
Our Christmas plans consist of staying up here and going to EW's parent's house Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. It does make me sad that I can't be with my family, but they have been so good about working a way around having to go to two places within a span of a weekend. My mom also worries about the weather and doesn't want us to come down until late-Jan. So I guess that's what we'll do. Every year it seems less like the Christmas' of my younger years. I used to be so excited to see what I got, but as the years pass, I enjoy getting other people gifts and seeing their faces when they open it. Ahh, maturity. Also, these days, the holidays seem just like any other day. I think the only thing that makes it feel special is the music. I love singing in general, but Christmas music is my favorite. There is nothing like a church full of people singing 'Hark! The Herald Angels Sing' or 'Joy to the World', and I could name several others.
It's been a eventful year as I look back on all the things I have done in 2010: my first year of school ended, all the wedding showers, bachelorette party, weddings (including mine), moving to a new city, leaving my family and friends, a honeymoon to Mexico, becoming an, that's alot, and I could even go on.
I guess what I'm really taking away from this year is that if I didn't rely on God, family, and friends I'm not sure I would have made it here. There have been some tears in the past 12 months, but many more smiles and laughs. I really have no idea what 2011 will bring, but I can only hope it will be just as amazing as this one.
Now for Pictures!
Christmas cards from family and friends

Christmas flower arrangement, and decorations

Stockings. EW is the snowman, I'm the tree
The Tree.

Here are some pics of McKenna. She has learned some new tricks!
Crawling, she likes to put a toy in the mouth first!
Look at me! I can pull myself up and cruise around things!
This I had to put in because it was just that good.
This is EW pretending to be Indian, I think.
Think he could manage a 7/11?

Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Way Past Due.

Yes, it has been awhile since I have posted. Sorry to all those who read and have had nothing to read in the past month and a half. So much has gone by: My 25th birthday, EW's 26th, Thanksgiving, and our Honeymoon to Mexico!
I'm sure that the most interesting thing is the Mexico trip, so that's what I will ramble about today.
We left O'Hare on the Sunday after Thanksgiving. We woke up at 3am and EW's dad picked us up so we could make our 6:30 am flight. We made it to the Cancun Airport and to our wonderful resort, Secret's Silversands. It was a bit ineresting because we just happen to be there at the same time as this big Climate Conference, and the Mexican Military was on high alert. They had roads closed and everyone had a big automatic gun. I guess the place where it was taking place was only 3 mile away from our resort, which we went past everytime we went out of the resort.
Other than that, it was an amazing time. The whole time we were there it was in the mid-80's and perfect. It rained a couple nights, but it didn't during the day. We were able to go on a few trips while down there. We went on a shopping trip, that EW wasn't exstatic about, but he ended up having a good time. Also we went to the Mayan ruins, Chichen Itza. It is what EW really wanted to do, and I'm so glad we did it. It was so interesting and amazing to see.
The resort was great. The food was amazing, and the people were so friendly. They literally came around every 1/2 to 1 hr to see if we wanted anything. The drinks were always flowing. I don't think I have had that much to drink in the past year, but it was all so good!
They also had great entertainment and activities every day. We were able to see a magician, comedian, circus, dance troupe, and did wine tasting, tequila tasting, and martini mixing. I have to say, I would love to go back again!
On the way home however, we ran into a bit of security issues. First, they kept one of our carry on bags to go through it personally. All I could think was the Mexican police coming to take us away. They went through it, but didn't find what they 'thought' they would find, so sent it through the machine again, still didn't find anything, and finally let us go, with the bag. Then to get on the plane, we had to be patted-down and all of our bags had to be gone through by hand. This took forever, and along with the plane being late, we were over an hour late in leaving MX. We finally made it back to the US, and was greeted guessed it, snow. EW was elated, but me, not so much. I still miss the sun, but putting up our Christmas tree and other decorations has made it more bearable.
Ok, enough words, here's some pics!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Fun With McKenna

So if you don't know already, I'm unemployed. Yeah, a shocker I know. Anyway, this means that I have a ton of time on my hands. I clean the apartment, do the laundry, and so forth, but sometimes I get to escape the hum-drum of housework and go to my In-Laws' house to play with the cutest baby. (Yes, I'm a bit bias). McKenna Jo is Eric's brother and sister-in-law's girl, therefore, my niece.
I usually go over to play once a week, when my FIL goes into the Chicago, and my MIL could use an extra set of hands. And of course these hands want a sweet baby in them! I love the days that we are able to play, go on walks, and just hang out.
Here are a few pictures of the little darling:
Kenna and her AuntieTastes good!

I love her expressions!
(She's looking at Grandma)

Silly Aunt Brina, haven't you taken enough?

I'm gonna miss going over for our play dates when I get a job, but it's been great practice!

Monday, October 18, 2010


So I was evaluating my life while sitting on the couch, watching the endless amounts of awesome daytime TV (not being sarcastic, I love it!) And this conversation with myself continued as I finally got off my butt to take a shower. I started to think about how my life has changed in the past month and a half, and I have to say, it hasn't changed as much as I thought it would. Yes, I got married, and yes, I moved away from my family, permanently for the first time in my life, but as for EW and I, I don't think that much has changed.
Before we got married, I had all these visions of married life and how things would be different. Well, hello, they aren't. We're finally living under the same roof, but other than that, nothing has changed. I'm don't think this is a bad thing, because we are who we are and we co-exist together quite nicely. There are however things that I didn't expect to bother me, and yet I'm having a hard time dealing with these changes.
These changes are: 1. Moving away from my family 2. Leaving my great support group of family and friends 3. Leaving a place in which people had common courtesy, and usually very polite, for a place where people don't understand kindness for your fellow man.
As for #1. I knew that I would miss my family, like I did every time I left them (college, first job, etc.) but some days, I jest feel like getting in my car and driving home. (Yes, it's not really my home anymore, but Watseka feels more like home to me than any other place ever will)
#2. I know I haven't had much time to adjust to this new place, but I horribly miss my support network. There was always someone there to talk to no matter what. EW tells me to give it time to meet new people, but I need some new friends now (see #1).
#3. People up here are plain rude. For example: Walking around the store, people do not say excuse me, thank you, or any other common courtesy. When they run into you, they give you a look like it's your fault. I don't know how many times this has happened to me! And don't even get me started on the traffic. Most of these drivers are nuts! They will cut you off just to get to the RED light first. I hate driving here, and my driving nervousness is not getting any better.
Ahhh, that felt good to really just lay it out there. Now you are probably wondering why in the heck I stay. Yeah, I don't know either. HA, j/k. Of course I stay for EW, because this is where he needs to be right now. But as for just raising children here, I don't know. I can tolerate it here for awhile, but for how long, I'm not sure. I always thought that I wasn't a small town girl, and that I wanted to live where you could go to a movie without driving 30 minutes. However, I don't really think I knew myself, and really, I'm a small town girl. Bring on the corn fields and cows!


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

7J Reunion

Hey everyone! Hope you were enjoying the summer-like weather! Although, today it seems that fall has caught up with us. The morning storm most likely had something to do with that.

Anywho, on Monday, I had the privilege of meeting up with some awesome girls for lunch at Giordano's in Oswego. Jessica my senior college roomie lives in Tennessee, came up to visit some friends on her Fall break, and was able to visit with our other roomie, Larisca, who lives in Hoffman Estates. Lis and I met Jess at the restaurant. We had some yummy stuffed pizza. It was great to talk to both girls and see what was new in each of our lives. We have come so far from our college days in 7J Stevenson Hall. I am married. Lis is getting married next July and has a new teaching job. Jess is a homeowner, has two of the cutest kitties, and is in her second year of teaching.
I am so blessed to have these ladies in my life. I can't wait to see where life takes us in the next 5 years. I really can't wait for another Reunion! We'll have to get together again, and I'm thinking road trip to sunny TN! What you think Jess?



Tuesday, October 5, 2010

1 Month

Hey Bloggy friends!

Yes, I have been absent for quite awhile, but please cut me some slack. Great, Thanks! Ok, now that that is over with, let me tell you how the last few weeks have been.
EW and I have settled into a routine. He gets home from work around 6pm. I have dinner on the table. (He really likes this.) After dinner I clean up, and we get ready for our night guessed it: TV. As some of you know, at my house in Watseka, we didn't have tv, so it's great having entertainment again. We have our shows we watch, and dvr some things and watch on other nights that there isn't much else on. So as the night goes on, I make EW's lunch for the next day, and do some odds and ends around the place. Then bedtime comes and then too soon the alarm clock beeps at 5:45. EW gets up and ready for work. After he's ready, he comes back into the bedroom and kisses me goodbye.
My day starts a few hours later, when I drag myself out of bed. I eat cereal, and plan out my day: laundry, dishes, overall cleaning. I try to get as much as a I can done between all the daytime tv. Love HGTV and DIY, I'm ready to buy/reno a house for sure! Dinner usually gets started around 4-5 depending on what's on the menu for that night. Around 6, EW comes home and we start another night.
Yesterday was our 1 month anniversary. I really can't believe it's been 1 month already. It seems like yesterday when I was waiting at the back of the church to marry my best friend. Last night when he got home EW handed me a rose. At first I was confused, and gave him a questioning look, and he even had to tell me it was our 1 month, not sure how I forgot in the span of 1 day...but I did.

Yes, that is a Foundry mug (a bar/grill down the street) I didn't have any vases available, so I had to improvise!

I'll try not to let this much time pass again without updating!


Monday, September 13, 2010

Mr. and Mrs. EW

Ok, so I have finally found some time to put up some pictures of the wedding. Some of these are my pics, and some are from friends/fam.
September 3rd was our Rehearsal and Dinner. The shirts I had made for our bachelor/ette parties and for the rehearsal, and I'm so happy I did.
September 4th I became Mrs. EW. Wow, it still doesn't seem like it all happened. Everyone told me to try to remember many moments, and I really did try, however, it still seemed like a blur. The wedding went really well. However, I did find out that EW had a toothache and had to call the emergency dentist and get antibiotics and vicodin to help with the pain. I did not find this out until after the wedding, and after pictures were taken. Which, it was probably a good thing. He was pretty miserable, but he was a little trooper.
The reception was also great, and I'm so happy so many people were able to celebrate with us. The wedding night however didn't go as planned. I know what you are thinking, but get your minds out of the gutter!
Our wedding night went something like this: EW was laying in bed while I was opening cards. I looked at him and he just didn't look right. I put my hand to his head and he was burning up. Of course I freak. Then he starts convulsing. Great! So I continue to freak. I call my mom to bring some meds. She says to call my Aunt who works in a hospital (actually she works for the CDC) anyway, she says he should take some advil or tylenol. And no, this is not yet ER worthy (That's where I was going next if his fever didn't break). Thankfully, Mr. and Mrs. W (EW's parents) had some tylenol and all was good. I did end up playing nurse the rest of the night, administering pills and cold compresses.
So all in all it was an amazing weekend, and we have a great story to tell the kids not only about how we met, but the wedding night as well. Looking back, I wouldn't have had it any other way. No regrets, because that's just the way things were supposed to be!

I obviously have more pictures, but this is a good rundown of the Rehearsal and Wedding. The Reception will have to be another post!

Shirts I had made.
Dad walking me down the aisle.
Up at the Alter.
Leaving as Mr. and Mrs. EW

More to come, I promise!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Tall Ships

On Thursday, I was invited by my friend Kristin and two other ladies to go see "Tall Ships" at Navy Pier in Chicago. I have to say I had never heard of it and wasn't for sure what to expect. After taking the Metra and a cab, we made it to our destination, and I was in awe. The ships were amazing! We were able to actually board the 11 out of 21 ships that were on display. I really didn't think it would be that interesting, but I was totally wrong! I had a great time, and the weather was BEAUTIFUL! However, I didn't put enough SPF moisturizer on, so I did get a red ring around my neck. I'm crossing my fingers that it will go away before next Saturday!
Here are some pictures of our day. I have 65 in all, so it wAlign Leftas really hard to pick the best ones. If you want to see them all, go to my facebook and look at the album "Tall Ships!"

The Biggest Ship there: The Bounty!

The Only Ship I'll be able to afford!

There were Pirates!

These were out on the Lake

I love the Ships with the City in the background!

Another shot of the Bounty!

I'm really happy I was able to get away from all the wedding plans and enjoy a day in Chicago!
So I guess I should talk about how everything for the wedding is going. Well...I think everything is pretty well set. I still can't believe how fast the time has gone by. It's a week away, and I feel as though this week will be the longest week of my life, yet in reality, it will most likely go by the fastest. I still don't know if I'm quite ready. EW says he's not nervous at all, of course he's so laid back that not much makes him nervous.

All I can think about is what could go wrong. I know I should not be focusing on that, but that's me. I'm actually not as stressed out as I thought I would be, but by Thursday...that might not be the case. People say to just enjoy it, but I don't think that will be possible with me. I won't be able to enjoy myself unless everyone else is enjoying themselves, and everything is running smoothly. I am also nervous about all of the family getting together, but that's just life, and if I've learned anything about families, you really just have to go with the flow in mine!
As for my next update: I'm not sure If I'll get one in before the wedding. If I don't, the next one will definitely have wedding pictures!

Monday, August 23, 2010

A New Mr. and Mrs.

Over the weekend EW and I were lucky to be able to attend Emily and Ryan's wedding in Watseka. Emily is a friend from high school, and during high school she met Ryan, who lived a few towns away. I knew in high school that they would be together forever, and I have to say, I'm so happy I was right!
The wedding was at the same church my dad attends, which is beautiful, and the reception was at the Hilton in Kankakee. It was also great, of course. Ew and I stayed the night up there so we could participate in the party all. night. long!

The New Mr. and Mrs. Seibring

The First Dance

EW and I enjoying the party!

Friends: Trish and Kristin
High School Friends!

Needless to say, a great time was had by all! I have to say though, that the wedding was kind of a 'flash-forward' because I knew that 2 weeks from last Sat. I am going to be in the same place. Anyone else notice that the bride and groom at the top of the blog are getting a little too close for comfort?
I think I'm starting to lose it. I have all these things that I need/want to do, yet when I go to make a list, all the things leave my brain. Today it took me 5 minutes to deposit money in the bank. The teller even had to give me instructions! So sad, I know...
Now if I can just keep it together for 12 more days, I think everything will be fine!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Wedding Shower: Naperville

Sorry this is a little late! I left my camera cord in Aurora, so I wasn't able to upload my pictures. This is my wedding shower that was Sat. the 7th in Naperville. It was hosted by my soon-to-be MIL, Barb. She did a BEAUTIFUL job putting everything together and made the day so very lovely. I know you want to see pictures, so here they are!

Mom, Me, and Barb

Two of my bridesmaids' Kristin and Larisca

The awesome bed in a bag we wanted. It was discontinued, but one of Barb's friends found it for us!

Yay for food storage!

Very nice dishes!

Potato Masher!

Thanks so much for everyone who came! I had a great time, and lots of fun! That night we were able to go out to downtown Naperville with our friends Lis and Jeff (who just got engaged!). Lis is in many of the pictures above sitting next to me.
I'm so excited to be able to go to Lis and Jeff's wedding next year! I can't believe not too long ago we were all in college just meeting each other, and now we are getting married! I can't wait till the time comes when we will all be having kids :)
This Tuesday I will be getting my hair cut for the wedding. I think it will be a short A-line, like something I've had before over the years. I won't go too drastic, but I will post pictures this week.
This coming weekend EW and I will be attending a friend of mine from high school's wedding here in my town. It will be nice to go to a wedding only 2 short weeks before my own. Maybe I can get rid of some of the nerves then!
Have a good week!