Friday, September 23, 2011

Vicodin and Mustaches

Last Thursday I had sinus surgery. I did pretty well considering I hate being around surgical places. Of course I was put out by general anesthetic, and came out fine. I knew I would, since everything went well with my gallbladder surgery, but I was still nervous. EW was with me, so I was really happy about that. I came out of surgery really well, and even asked to go home as soon at I got to the recovery room #2. The only bandage I had what this rolled up gauze under my nose. Ugh, so annoying! It felt really awkward--like a mustache gone awry, and I wanted to rip it off. However, I was told I had to keep it on because my nose would be dripping for awhile, and indeed it was called a mustache bandage--Go Figure!
Thankfully EW was able to take Thursday and Friday off in order to take care of me. I'm so glad he did, since I really had to take it easy and just lay in bed through the weekend. With the vicodin and antibiotics, I was really out of it, and slept most of the days/nights.
Please disregard my disgusting look in the photo below,
but I wanted you to see the dreaded 'Mustache'

This is what the other two did while I was recovering...

In other news:
If you are not familiar with our apartment location, we have a high school in our back yard. The field is right behind us and we are able to see soccer and football games a few nights a week. Also, we are able to hear band practice at 7am almost everyday. Yeah, it was kinda cool in the beginning, but after a few weeks now, it's getting a bit old. Bandit on the other had just loves it! She loves watching the kids walk around and listen to Chicago's '25 or 6 to 4' for hours. I'll hook her up to the leash attached to the patio if it's nice outside, and she will sit in the sun and just watch them moving around. I'm just happy she can be entertained without me!
Bandit completely at attention watching the show!

Marching Band practice/The Day's Entertainment

I'm really working on getting our place clean, so I hope to have more pictures in the near future! And hopefully more interesting news also!


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