Sunday, August 9, 2009

Back to Civilization

I'm back from my stay at Kickadonkey. Bf/fiance/lover came to Kickadonkey last Wednesday. He and I stayed there until we came back to the Homestead (my family's house) on Friday afternoon. We had a great weekend with my family. Bf/fiance/lover--I need to find a shorter name for him--brought me the 2nd and 3rd season of Reba to help me pass the time in Kickadonkey. So we brought them back with us to the Homestead, and watched both seasons with the parental units + brother.

In other news, I'm writing this from my OWN computer! Yes, I finally got it back on Friday, minus one nasty virus. Apparently the virus that was on it entered as a 'Microsoft Update' and it tricked the virus protection, so I would have gotten it no matter what. Lovely.

Starting tonight through Thursday night I will be helping with Vacation Bible School. I helped last year and I really loved it, and I wanted to help this year also, but I think I might have taken on too much. I am going to be the only teacher. The kids will be switching out and I will teach the lesson 4 times for different age levels. I'm sure all will be good, and everything will work out, but as of right now I think I'm in a little over my head. Thankfully, it's only 5 days. Although, I don't have those days planned out too well, so I think I'm just going to 'wing it.' HA! It could become very interesting.

Come Friday, I'll be heading back to Kickadonkey, and starting my first-ever Teacher's Institute on Monday and Tuesday. Then my first-ever First Day of School on Wed. AHH!

I haven't put up any pictures yet, but I knew which one I wanted to put up first. This is a picture of the 'cat stand' my dad made our cat, Binky. You can buy them at pet stores for a lot of money, but my dad is AMAZING at thinking of creative ways to solve problems. For example:

Problem: Cat was jumping up on every tall piece of furniture--She likes being up high

Solution: Make a cat stand using spools from my mom's work

As you can see, he tiered them so it's like a staircase, and we had some extra carpet, so we put that around the bottom. I'm using 'we' because I helped :) The whole thing was put together in just 1 afternoon. Binky loves it!

I'll post again before I leave for Kickadonkey!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i like Binky