Wednesday, May 23, 2012

In the Last Month...

I have been absent. I have done a ton of things: some fun, some not so fun. Along with my bullet point update, I plan on doing a whole post on a few of them. There were some pretty big events that I want to elaborate on, but I just don't have the time right this second. So here is the last Month in a nutshell:
--April 14th we went over to EW's brother and sister-in-law's place to celebrate McKenna's 2nd Birthday! It was Tangled themed, and so adorable! She was very excited to blow out her candles and open presents. It's been so great to watch Kenna and Ben grow thus far, and I really can't wait to see them grow into awesome young people. Thanks for letting us share in the special moments!
Can't believe she was that small!

--April 19th I traveled to Rockford for a weekend wedding of my friend Ashley, and her now husband, Paul. Thursday night was the bachelorette party, Friday the rehearsal, and Saturday the Wedding. Talk about a full weekend! EW met up with me on Saturday. He drove in with some friends. It was such a wonderful wedding, and a FUN reception!
Mr. and Mrs. Rupp

--April 22nd We came home from the wedding, and had Easter with my parents. They came up to our apartment to watch Bandit while we were at the wedding. Mom was awesome and made dinner, so it was ready when we got back. Bandit was super excited to see Grandma and Grandpa, as always!
Grandpa and Bandit hanging out

--The week after the wedding I came down with some nasty infection/strep. I had a fever for 6 days...yeah, not so fun. I missed 2 days of work, and it took me another week to actually get back to normal. Even though I went to the Dr. and spent over $50 on meds, it still took forever to feel myself. EW was lucky and missed being infected (though I tried to give it away).

--Mother's Day weekend, EW had to go to the festivities on his own. The Friday before Mother's Day I started having horrible pain in my abdomen and back. At first I thought maybe I had a kidney infection, but the pain became almost unbearable. I was taking an advil almost every 1.5 to 2 hrs. I contemplated the ER, but I really didn't want to spend the money. I sucked it up, went to work, but made a Dr. appt for Saturday morning. Good thing I did because the pain kept up. At the Dr. they thought it might be my appendix, so off I went for a CT scan. Well, it wasn't my appendix (thankfully), but I have a large ovarian cyst. Dr. said most women don't have pain, but some do, and since it was so big, it might be pushing stuff around. Lovely. I need an ultrasound in 6 weeks, and hopefully it will show it has dissolved. I made an appt with a gyno, to see what happens if it doesn't go away, if these become chronic, and how this will affect getting pregnant. My Dr. said it doesn't have any affect on pregnancy, so I'm hoping that is true. I did find out that heat was the only thing that helped the pain, and meds really don't, so if I get another, I will put the heating pad on asap!

--This past weekend EW and I went to the Civil War Days at Naper Settlement. We went a few years ago, and had a lot of fun. We were really happy that it was such a beautiful day. It was a bit warm, but we slathered on the SPF and hit the road. I am a huge history buff when it comes to old houses, barns, etc. Growing up, my family vacations were made up of seeing historical places, and it has stuck with me. EW was really good about letting me go into each building and take it all in. We had a really good view of the field for the battle. However, we ended up right next to a cannon, and we had to watch so we could plug our ears! Then we headed over to downtown Naperville to walk the Riverwalk, and grabbed some dinner. Or course what would a hot day be without ice cream? We got some of that too! It was such a great day! We haven't just hung out together doing something we both enjoy in awhile. The day was perfect :)
 Loading the Cannon!

The South

Yay! The North Won :)

As I said above, I plan on expanding some of these into their own posts, hopefully by the then of the week!


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