Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Far Too Long.

To my Blog:
I apologize for the neglect I have given you. So many things have happened in the past month, and I have written nothing. Not only have I not written, but I haven't taken pictures either. So I am going to try to catch up the best I can.

February has been full of great things!
--The 1st was my 3nd day of my new job! I now work for a park district, about 25 minutes from where we live. I am the afternoon/evening teacher in the 2/3 room. I love it! Everyday brings something new, and the children and staff there are amazing!

--The 5th EW and I hosted a Super Bowl party. It was alot of fun to see and hang out with friends. It was quite a game, and had all of us sitting on the edge of our seats (ok, not me, because I really couldn't care less, but everyone else was).

--The 11th EW took me to Shedd Aquarium for our Valentine's Day Celebration. We had a great time, but unfortunately had to stand outside in the FRIGID weather for over an hour. Next time well will get tickets ahead of time! I got to see the Jellies exhibit, which I have been wanting to see for almost a year. Of course I forgot my camera, so no pictures, but it was a ton of fun. After the Aquarium, we meet our friends Kevin and Vicky, and their friend Katie for dinner. It was great to see them all again!

--The 13th was the anniversary of Bandit being a Witkowski. I don't know what I would do without my booboo. I love her so much, and I can't imagine my life without her.

--The 14th EW and I had a lovely night in. EW made fried rice, and we ordered appetizers from a Chinese restaurant. I can't remember how many Valentine Day's we have celebrated together, but every one of then has been great.

--The 18th EW and I finally decided it was time to get a new chair. His chair, I bought 2nd hand, and it apparently wasn't supposed to stand the test of time. It has fallen apart. We took advantage of the President's Day sales, and got a chair and a half recliner. We will get it this Saturday, so I will post pictures then.

--The 25th (this past weekend) was my parent's 28th wedding anniversary. We went down to Watseka to celebrate with them. We left early Saturday morning and got to help them pick out a new vehicle. They decided on a 06 Town and Country Van. It is very nice and is loaded. It has leather seats, a dvd player, automatic doors, and my Mom's favorite: Bun Warmers! It is red, so you will definitely see her coming! For dinner we went to Monicals, where I can have Gluten Free pizza! We had a great time (as always) and coming back home to my big bed is nice but sad, because I miss my parents so much. It's really hard living so far away from them.

So much has happened in the last month, and March is almost booked already! It is going to be quite a Spring/Summer filled with weddings, birthday parties, family/friends, and lots of fun! I'm really excited about the future, and I hope to stay updated (for realz!)


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