Monday, September 12, 2011

Our New Apartment

Finally I'm getting around to posting a few pictures of our new place. I apologize that there is still a bit of clutter, but I know that you are all wanting to know what our new place is like, so I just snapped a few angles to show how the main rooms are set up. I plan on having everything put together nicely by the time we have our first get-together. Until then, this is as good as it gets...
Bandit, at her favorite place (besides under the bed, that is)
Another angle of the living room

View of the TV corner (a little dark)

Kitchen/Dining area. The Kitchen is really tiny!

Tired puppy. 
She's waiting for mommy to come back and lay with her.
Now that you have seen the place, you have to come over and check it out for yourself! We love having people come to visit. My parents actually came to visit this past weekend. Bandit loved seeing Granma and Granpa. She wouldn't leave Granpa's lap, and gave Granma TONS of kisses. Bandit even tried to take a ride on her back! Oh, our girl is pretty crazy sometimes.
It was really great seeing my parents. I miss them so much, and really wish we could live closer. I'm happy we were able to get our schedules together, between my sinus surgery, Thursday, and everything leading up to my dad's hip replacement, there weren't many weekends available.
We did a lot this past weekend, and I hope to get another post up tomorrow about our trip to Chicago yesterday, which was a blast, so stay tuned!


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