We got a storage unit at the U-haul around the corner from our apartment, and lots of boxes. Everyday I tried to get a few more things packed up. On the weekends, I had EW to help me out. As the picture below demonstrates, this is what happens when you ask my husband to put the box together:
Thanks to my father-in-law, uncle-in-law, and brother-in-law, Eric and I managed to get everything we own either to the storage unit or EW's parent's house. Which we are living at for now.
Still no job offers, but that's how it is. We will be searching in a few weeks to see what we can find in this area and more south. As long as we are near a train station, EW can get to his job.
This is another moving picture. It's of the 2nd bedroom, and only 1/4 of the boxes. By the time I had everything packed up, I had already packed my camera, go-figure.
In other news: Bandit is adjusting well to her new surroundings. I think she's a bit confused with all the adults around, but once we get into our new place, she will fit back into our little family, just the three of us. That's until she gets a sister, of course. Which will probably be a year or so down the road. I know several people who say that two dogs are easier than one, since they keep each other company. I want Bandit to have a friend. She loves the little dog next door and cries when she goes outside, hoping he will play with her. Yeah, mommy can't take that, so eventually we will add to the family. This time though, it will be an older dog, 1-2yrs. No more puppies for this momma. I am way too selfish to give up that much sleep ever again!
This month we have 2 weddings to attend, so I will be writing about those events in the next few weeks, and I'll update if I find out more about my diagnosis.
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