In the past week, we have bonded with our little one, and have started to train her. She is super smart, if I must say so myself. She learned sit in 1 night! The potty training however, is a bit harder. We have yet been able to take her outside to do her business, because when we got her, she had had no shots. This past Saturday she got her first round, but the Vet said we needed to wait till her second round to be same that she doesn't catch anything. So this means we have had to deal with everything indoors. This is not easy, but for the next two weeks, we will just have to deal.
Her personality really helps us not get too mad at her. She is just a ball of love. Bandit loves to lay next to you, and just be close to you. We had her confined to the kitchen for the first few days, but she whined all the time. She hated being away from us. We caved and let her in the living room, except when we decide she needs to go potty, we put her in the kitchen.
At our first visit at the vet we learned some good and bad things. Bandit has an umbilical hernia (which we actually knew about before we brought her home) and that it will need to be surgically fixed. I had researched the hernia before the vet appointment, and I pretty much thought that it would be the case, but at least it can be fixed! Also, later that afternoon, we found out our little muffin had roundworms :( Thankfully, she had already been given the de-wormer that morning, so she just had to pass them. EW got to clean up that mess, since I was at the store. I'm really glad I wasn't around for that one! The good news is that she is in very good shape, and a whole 8lbs! I asked the vet how big she thought Bandit might get, and she thought that Bandit wouldn't get too much bigger, probably around 15-20lbs. She's such a love-bug, and has shown no aggression or anything like that.
This past week has had it's ups and downs, but I now can't imagine coming home and not seeing her little face greeting me.
We just picked up our little Bundle!
Am I staying here?
Ok Mom, enough with the pictures!
We are waiting for March 5 to come, and hoping that we get the go-ahead from the Vet to go outside for the first time. We are ready for Spring! Bandit is excited for Easter to come since we will be traveling to my family's house. Gramma and Granpa call all the time how she is doing and can't wait to see her again, and see what a big, smart girl she is. Aunt Binky isn't too thrilled, but I'm sure we will get her to come around. ha.
More to come!
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