Monday, October 25, 2010

Fun With McKenna

So if you don't know already, I'm unemployed. Yeah, a shocker I know. Anyway, this means that I have a ton of time on my hands. I clean the apartment, do the laundry, and so forth, but sometimes I get to escape the hum-drum of housework and go to my In-Laws' house to play with the cutest baby. (Yes, I'm a bit bias). McKenna Jo is Eric's brother and sister-in-law's girl, therefore, my niece.
I usually go over to play once a week, when my FIL goes into the Chicago, and my MIL could use an extra set of hands. And of course these hands want a sweet baby in them! I love the days that we are able to play, go on walks, and just hang out.
Here are a few pictures of the little darling:
Kenna and her AuntieTastes good!

I love her expressions!
(She's looking at Grandma)

Silly Aunt Brina, haven't you taken enough?

I'm gonna miss going over for our play dates when I get a job, but it's been great practice!

1 comment:

The Witkowski Family said...

Aww she sure is one sweet girl and she has one sweet Aunt! McKenna loves getting to hang out with you too!
Love ya!