Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Move-In Weekend

I know I'm a little late getting this up from the weekend, but I'm missing my laptop. I'm such a nice person that I left it with EW in Aurora. He has nothing else to do but watch DVD's, so I left it with him. No, we don't have internet either, but some people don't safe-guard against 'piggybackers' and therefore, they can be taken advantage of. Without my computer, I'm forced to use the my dad's desktop, which is painfully slow, but it gets the job done.

So on to this weekend. Last Friday, my parents and I went to pick up the u-haul. We packed what we had at home here, which included the nice new couch I bought, The next morning, we took off for Kickadonkey to pick up the majority of my things. I drove my car, dad and mom in the u-haul, and lil Bro in dad's truck (which they all were going to go home in). Our apartment complex is right down the street from a u-haul center. How convenient! Our little convoy made it up north with no causalities!
Next it was time to unload, which didn't take as long as expected. EW's Uncle Doug came over and helped, so everything went pretty smoothly.
The pictures are of the dinning area, the spare bedroom, then a couple shots of the living room. All the other rooms were just too messy or just not ready! I'll have more up when I can clean it up and decorate!

This past weekend, EW's Aunt, Uncle, and a few cousin's were in town, so we went over to his parent's house for a cookout Sat. night. I got to see baby McKenna. She is getting bigger every day! It was nice hanging out with (soon-to-be) family.
Baby McKenna with Mommy Rachel

Sunday night, EW and I went to sand volleyball playoffs that his brother in sister-in-law are involved in. Their team didn't win, but they all played really well!
Team 6

Monday EW had to work, so I spent some time with his family that was still in town. Then I went home to do more organizing, and I made our first dinner at the apartment: spaghetti. It turned out pretty well for not having many items in our kitchen. I really hope we get some things for the wedding because it was hard improvising utensils and other standard items.

Well, that wraps up my extended weekend. More will come this weekend with my hometown shower and bachelorette party!

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