Happy New Year Everyone!
I know it's been awhile since I've updated. Life has been crazy in the past month. The Holidays were a lot of fun. I spent most of the time up north with EW and family. For my Christmas present I got a new digital camera from EW, so of course I have some pictures to share!
School has been crazy also. We're gearing up for ISAT's already! AH! Also, I have decided that I will not be teaching at the same school next year, as I will be moving up north to be with EW, as we are getting married in Sept.
And that brings me to the next topic. WEDDING... I'm not even sure where to begin. It's a little over 7 months left and the pressure is on. I'm pretty sure I'm driving EW nuts with all my stressing, but I can't help it, it's what I do. I'm all about details and control. I think I've gotten better about it, but nothing like a huge event to make me revert to 'Ms. Control'. I'll work on breathing and being all zen so I don't have a breakdown. I'm pretty sure I'm going to have visit the Dr. about getting some muscle relaxants so I won't be a wreck The Day Of.
I don't do emotion very well, so I'm a little nervous how I'll take the pressure/stress of it all. Right now just even thinking about walking down that aisle makes me really anxious, and not in a good way. Just the thought of everyone looking at me, makes me sick to my stomach. I really hate being the center of attention, and on your wedding day, that's pretty much the biggest attention getter you have. Especially for a girl. Ugh. I feel sick just typing about it. I definitely need to get it together unless I want to be one of those fainting brides.
Well, that's all I got for info, but here are a few pics!

EW's older brother and his wife Christmas Day at EW's house (I thought since I've been on her blog, she should be on mine!)

The only one I have of New Years (I had too many beverages, and was too lazy to get out the camera until we were leaving the PACKED bar)

My favorite one: Oh Christmas Tree...
Everything will be fine on your wedding day. So what if something doesn't go the way you want it to, you won't remember most of the day anyway. Try to enjoy your last days of being unmarried,everything will work out in the end. However it all comes together will be fine and a fun time for all. Can't wait for you to be part of our family and be able to call you Sabrina Witkowski. (Did you seriously think about that part?)
yes, i have! and all i can say is it's going to be very strange. lol
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