So I was evaluating my life while sitting on the couch, watching the endless amounts of awesome daytime TV (not being sarcastic, I love it!) And this conversation with myself continued as I finally got off my butt to take a shower. I started to think about how my life has changed in the past month and a half, and I have to say, it hasn't changed as much as I thought it would. Yes, I got married, and yes, I moved away from my family, permanently for the first time in my life, but as for EW and I, I don't think that much has changed.
Before we got married, I had all these visions of married life and how things would be different. Well, hello, they aren't. We're finally living under the same roof, but other than that, nothing has changed. I'm don't think this is a bad thing, because we are who we are and we co-exist together quite nicely. There are however things that I didn't expect to bother me, and yet I'm having a hard time dealing with these changes.
These changes are: 1. Moving away from my family 2. Leaving my great support group of family and friends 3. Leaving a place in which people had common courtesy, and usually very polite, for a place where people don't understand kindness for your fellow man.
As for #1. I knew that I would miss my family, like I did every time I left them (college, first job, etc.) but some days, I jest feel like getting in my car and driving home. (Yes, it's not really my home anymore, but Watseka feels more like home to me than any other place ever will)
#2. I know I haven't had much time to adjust to this new place, but I horribly miss my support network. There was always someone there to talk to no matter what. EW tells me to give it time to meet new people, but I need some new friends now (see #1).
#3. People up here are plain rude. For example: Walking around the store, people do not say excuse me, thank you, or any other common courtesy. When they run into you, they give you a look like it's your fault. I don't know how many times this has happened to me! And don't even get me started on the traffic. Most of these drivers are nuts! They will cut you off just to get to the RED light first. I hate driving here, and my driving nervousness is not getting any better.
Ahhh, that felt good to really just lay it out there. Now you are probably wondering why in the heck I stay. Yeah, I don't know either. HA, j/k. Of course I stay for EW, because this is where he needs to be right now. But as for just raising children here, I don't know. I can tolerate it here for awhile, but for how long, I'm not sure. I always thought that I wasn't a small town girl, and that I wanted to live where you could go to a movie without driving 30 minutes. However, I don't really think I knew myself, and really, I'm a small town girl. Bring on the corn fields and cows!