In other news, I'm writing this from my OWN computer! Yes, I finally got it back on Friday, minus one nasty virus. Apparently the virus that was on it entered as a 'Microsoft Update' and it tricked the virus protection, so I would have gotten it no matter what. Lovely.
Starting tonight through Thursday night I will be helping with Vacation Bible School. I helped last year and I really loved it, and I wanted to help this year also, but I think I might have taken on too much. I am going to be the only teacher. The kids will be switching out and I will teach the lesson 4 times for different age levels. I'm sure all will be good, and everything will work out, but as of right now I think I'm in a little over my head. Thankfully, it's only 5 days. Although, I don't have those days planned out too well, so I think I'm just going to 'wing it.' HA! It could become very interesting.
Come Friday, I'll be heading back to Kickadonkey, and starting my first-ever Teacher's Institute on Monday and Tuesday. Then my first-ever First Day of School on Wed. AHH!
I haven't put up any pictures yet, but I knew which one I wanted to put up first. This is a picture of the 'cat stand' my dad made our cat, Binky. You can buy them at pet stores for a lot of money, but my dad is AMAZING at thinking of creative ways to solve problems. For example:
Problem: Cat was jumping up on every tall piece of furniture--She likes being up high
Solution: Make a cat stand using spools from my mom's work
As you can see, he tiered them so it's like a staircase, and we had some extra carpet, so we put that around the bottom. I'm using 'we' because I helped :) The whole thing was put together in just 1 afternoon. Binky loves it!
I'll post again before I leave for Kickadonkey!
1 comment:
i like Binky
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