Last year it was just EW, Bandit, and me. But today, it's EW, Bandit, Baby, and me!
As of today, I'm in my 12th week! Wow, I can't believe I'm made it this far. So, I'm sure you want to know how we got here....
December 30th: I was wondering what was going on with my body, because even though I was not "late," I felt "off." Just in case, EW and I went and bought the Test!
December 31st, 4:30 am: I woke up with cramping and backaches. I thought that I was no longer late, and went to the bathroom, but decided to take the Test anyway, just because. As I sat there trying not to watch for the 2 pink lines, I paced the apartment. When I came back, there is was.....2 pink lines. My reaction: HOLY SH*T! I go wake up EW to have him look at it. He came in the bathroom and stared at it. Said, "Great" and went back to bed. (He told me later when he woke up, he thought he was dreaming...HA!)
January 30th: I was now 9 weeks, and finally had our first Dr. appt. We were able to see Baby Witkowski, and his/her little heartbeat. I have to say, it was one of the best days of my life thus far.
February 19th: I went for our nuchal test for chromosomal abnormalities. Baby W would not move. They has me roll from side to side, get up and walk around, and even go to the bathroom. I was concerned, but they say it happens sometimes. He/she was just sleeping, and a bit stubborn. I like to say Baby W obviously takes after EW :)
As for everything in between: I have the normal symptoms of: morning sickness, heartburn, abdominal stretching, emotional (Poor EW!) and I can't remember ANYTHING! The last one bothers me the most. I hate not being able to remember the things I need to.
We told our families around 6 weeks, and went FB official at 11 weeks. I was nervous at first to tell people, but the love/support we have gotten has been overwhelming. Everyone is so very excited for us. My mom has been so very supportive, I don't know what I would do without her.
We will be finding out the gender April 15th (only a little over 7 weeks away!) I honestly don't care one way or the other. EW thinks boy, I have a feeling of girl. We have names, but will be keeping them a secret until birth! I know a few people know them, so if you do, shhh!
Big Sister Bandit!
