Week 25....
It's strange even tying that. I can't believe I'm considered 7 months pregnant. It's been about 5 weeks since I last posted, and I'm not even sure where the time has gone. As I told my Dr. the last time I saw her, the weeks are really flying by. Not too much has happened, but I'll bullet a few things going on.
--A week or so after we found out baby was a She, we did our baby registry. I was really excited, but it turns out, it's really just overwhelming. I can't believe how much stuff one needs for a little person. I know most is just for convenience, but still. And the choices?! Holy cow, how many types of bottles/pacifiers/strollers are out there! As we navigated our way through Babies R Us and Target, we tried our best to figure out what we really needed, and just kind of wanted. If we forgot something...oh well.
--Around week 22 I started feeling little movements. At first I just thought it was digestion, but as the weeks have passed, they have definitely gotten stronger. I can feel Lorena more and more with each passing day. I have to say, the first time I sat still, and watched my stomach actually move when she was jumping around, I about died. I knew that it would happen eventually, but to actually see it. Crazy! The first thing I thought of was the movie "Alien". In that movie, it's a bad sign watching things move inside you...lol.
--I know that I am getting larger, but with me seeing myself everyday, I don't see it like others do, but I sure can feel it! I'm up to 2 body pillows when I sleep, which has almost pushed Bandit out of her spot. She still tries to squeeze in though. Also, sleeping itself has become a struggle. Some nights I'm out, but others, I just toss and turn most of the night. There have been also a few times where I have needed EW to help me get up. Sad, I know. The funny thing is, that I'm going to continue to get bigger, and I'm not sure how that's going to work...ha.
--Lorena is doing well. I go to the Maternal-Fetal Medicine Specialists at the hospital every 4 weeks for an ultrasound, in addition to seeing my OB. Apparently I'm classified as High Risk, with the Gestational Diabetes, and the high blood pressure/meds. Rena is measuring a bit small (1 week behind), so they really want to keep an eye on her growth. That's fine with me, since I get to see her every month. With GD, usually babies are bigger than normal, but with my BP meds, it's known for making smaller babies. The Dr. at MFM told me don't be surprised if they have me go over my due date. Hmm, not sure how I feel about that. I want the best for my baby, but I've read how hard it gets in the last few weeks.
--We don't have a nursery just yet, but I'm trying to figure out a rough plan for when we are able to set everything up. I know the walls will be pale yellow with accents of gray, but not sure how else everything will come together. Sometimes I have minor freak-out moments, wondering how we are going to get everything done, but I remember that Rena will be a newborn baby. She won't care if everything isn't the way Mommy wants it.
--Our next appointments are for the week of June 10th. I'm hoping for good growth, awesome BP, and hoping my sugars stay in range.
--At the end of June, Baby Showers will be here! Stay tuned for the fun :)
I'm a Mommy, wife, dog-mama, crafter, and teacher. These are stories from my life, the good, bad, and crazy.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
And It's A.....
As most of you know (via Facebook), our baby is a GIRL!
Can you even believe it? EW and I were both caught off guard by the announcement. I had a feeling through the pregnancy thus far that it was a girl, but everyone was saying: boy, boy, boy! So I began doubting myself.
Yesterday we went to the Maternal-Fetal Medicine for our 20-week appointment. While sitting in the waiting room, I honestly thought I was going to throw up. For some reason, I was super nervous. I think I was just afraid that there was something wrong. We were called and the tech got right to it. Of course our little nut was not cooperating. She was in a breech position, and didn't look like she was going to move, no matter how much the tech pushed around on me. All her anatomy looked good, except the way she was sitting, they couldn't get a good view of her heart. Something tells me that our little one will definitely be a bit stubborn!
The tech had me go to the bathroom, and tried again, but this time she was all curled up into a fetal position. Wonderful! As this point, the tech said she was about 90% sure of the gender. She said she wouldn't tell us unless she was almost sure. I was hanging on every word. And when she said Girl, I'm pretty sure my jaw dropped open. I think EW's did too! He was so sure we has a little boy in there. The Doctor came in, and tried, but baby still wasn't cooperating. Ha! She said I should try to stretch a bit, go to the bathroom, again, and then we would see what happens. I really wanted to know who this little person was, so I also did a little jumping up and down. The tech came back in and said she would try once more. And FINALLY our little one decided to move for us. It was FINALLY confirmed, and we definitely are having a Girl!
The Doctor wants to see me again in 4 weeks, since little girl wouldn't show her beautiful heart, and the fact that I've been diagnosed with gestational diabetes. However, she measured a bit small for her age, so hopefully she will catch up in the next few weeks! I am happy that I will get to see her again in 4 more weeks :)
After our appointment, I made a few calls, and we were on our way to EW's parents house, where his brothers and their families were waiting for the big reveal. Eariler we went and got a pink and blue balloon. We decided on popping the one that it wasn't, thus revealing the gender. I'm pretty sure after the reveal, there were also a few surprised people in the room.
Oh, and how could I forget, the name! I'm sure you are all wondering, and I did say that we weren't going to tell everyone until she was born, but oh well. I can change my mind, right?
Our baby girl's name is Lorena Kay Witkowski.
The first name is after my Grandpa's sister. She passed away when she was 18, so I obviously never met her, but if you look at our pictures, we look alot alike. Kay is for my Mom. Kathryn is her name, but that would just be too much with our longish last name. So, I decided to shorten it up a bit. I love that her name is unique, but not on the crazy side.
Thanks to everyone for all the well wishes, and congratulations. Now begins the 4 month wait to meet our daughter! (Wow, that sounds really strange!)
Can you even believe it? EW and I were both caught off guard by the announcement. I had a feeling through the pregnancy thus far that it was a girl, but everyone was saying: boy, boy, boy! So I began doubting myself.
Yesterday we went to the Maternal-Fetal Medicine for our 20-week appointment. While sitting in the waiting room, I honestly thought I was going to throw up. For some reason, I was super nervous. I think I was just afraid that there was something wrong. We were called and the tech got right to it. Of course our little nut was not cooperating. She was in a breech position, and didn't look like she was going to move, no matter how much the tech pushed around on me. All her anatomy looked good, except the way she was sitting, they couldn't get a good view of her heart. Something tells me that our little one will definitely be a bit stubborn!
The tech had me go to the bathroom, and tried again, but this time she was all curled up into a fetal position. Wonderful! As this point, the tech said she was about 90% sure of the gender. She said she wouldn't tell us unless she was almost sure. I was hanging on every word. And when she said Girl, I'm pretty sure my jaw dropped open. I think EW's did too! He was so sure we has a little boy in there. The Doctor came in, and tried, but baby still wasn't cooperating. Ha! She said I should try to stretch a bit, go to the bathroom, again, and then we would see what happens. I really wanted to know who this little person was, so I also did a little jumping up and down. The tech came back in and said she would try once more. And FINALLY our little one decided to move for us. It was FINALLY confirmed, and we definitely are having a Girl!
The Doctor wants to see me again in 4 weeks, since little girl wouldn't show her beautiful heart, and the fact that I've been diagnosed with gestational diabetes. However, she measured a bit small for her age, so hopefully she will catch up in the next few weeks! I am happy that I will get to see her again in 4 more weeks :)
After our appointment, I made a few calls, and we were on our way to EW's parents house, where his brothers and their families were waiting for the big reveal. Eariler we went and got a pink and blue balloon. We decided on popping the one that it wasn't, thus revealing the gender. I'm pretty sure after the reveal, there were also a few surprised people in the room.
Which one is it?
Yay Girl!
Even though it was a surprise to find out we are having a girl, I know our little girl will be so loved. I love her already, and I can't even imagine the love I will feel when I hold her for the first time. EW and I are so lucky to have such supportive families and friends.Oh, and how could I forget, the name! I'm sure you are all wondering, and I did say that we weren't going to tell everyone until she was born, but oh well. I can change my mind, right?
Our baby girl's name is Lorena Kay Witkowski.
The first name is after my Grandpa's sister. She passed away when she was 18, so I obviously never met her, but if you look at our pictures, we look alot alike. Kay is for my Mom. Kathryn is her name, but that would just be too much with our longish last name. So, I decided to shorten it up a bit. I love that her name is unique, but not on the crazy side.
Thanks to everyone for all the well wishes, and congratulations. Now begins the 4 month wait to meet our daughter! (Wow, that sounds really strange!)
Friday, March 22, 2013
16 Weeks....and Counting
In the last couple weeks, nothing serious has happened, but I'll comment on a few things.
On Monday, I went and saw my OB. She was glad to hear that I have had no more spotting, and I still haven't gained any weight (I actually lost another lb!). We are hoping for me to get through this whole pregnancy without ANY weight gain. I am now off pelvic rest, which means working out again...oh yeah, because that's what I feel like doing after work.
She also wanted to have me take the 1 hr. Glucose Tolerance Test. Tuesday I took it, and the next day they called me back to tell me I indeed failed. Awesome. At first I was going to go ahead with the 3hr, but my Dr. thought it would be best just to send me straight to the diabetes care nurse. Even more Awesome.
I am already on a Gestational Diabetes diet that my dietitian and I thought would prevent GD, but I guess not. This means another appointment. My schedule is filling up quickly! I have my regular OB, Fetal-Maternal Medicine, dietitian, and now diabetes nurse. Wow! I'm afraid of what else could possibly go wrong, and who else I will have to see.
The part of GD that I really am not looking forward to is the testing my blood. I grew up watching my dad test his blood, and he even did it to me a few times. Not fun at all! I mean the diet isn't the best, but I think I can handle it. Even though I'm going to miss out on Easter candy :(
I'll have my first appt. next week, so I'll keep everyone updated!
Only 4 more weeks until we find out if Baby W is a boy or girl. I might have said this before, but my guy feeling is girl. I have no idea why. I am getting really excited about finding out. We have names, nursery colors picked out for both. I like everything equally, so I don't care which one we end up with. One thing we haven't been able to decide on is a crib. We don't know if we should just do a regular crib, or a convertible one. Also, if we should get one with an attached changing table. Every website I go to, I find one I like. However, it's usually one on sale. If you don't know by now, I'm a cheapskate. I refuse to drop over $200 on a piece of furniture that will last only 2 years max. When baby is out of the crib, they will go straight to a twin bed. I don't like the convertible toddler bed. Because then they have to adjust to a bigger bed a few years later. I think going straight to a twin would be best. So even if we get a convertible one, the kid wouldn't use it! It's more about price and style. I'm thinking we may wait until I'm almost ready to pop before we actually get one. We have no where to store it anyway.
Alright, any early guesses on gender?!
On Monday, I went and saw my OB. She was glad to hear that I have had no more spotting, and I still haven't gained any weight (I actually lost another lb!). We are hoping for me to get through this whole pregnancy without ANY weight gain. I am now off pelvic rest, which means working out again...oh yeah, because that's what I feel like doing after work.
She also wanted to have me take the 1 hr. Glucose Tolerance Test. Tuesday I took it, and the next day they called me back to tell me I indeed failed. Awesome. At first I was going to go ahead with the 3hr, but my Dr. thought it would be best just to send me straight to the diabetes care nurse. Even more Awesome.
I am already on a Gestational Diabetes diet that my dietitian and I thought would prevent GD, but I guess not. This means another appointment. My schedule is filling up quickly! I have my regular OB, Fetal-Maternal Medicine, dietitian, and now diabetes nurse. Wow! I'm afraid of what else could possibly go wrong, and who else I will have to see.
The part of GD that I really am not looking forward to is the testing my blood. I grew up watching my dad test his blood, and he even did it to me a few times. Not fun at all! I mean the diet isn't the best, but I think I can handle it. Even though I'm going to miss out on Easter candy :(
I'll have my first appt. next week, so I'll keep everyone updated!
Only 4 more weeks until we find out if Baby W is a boy or girl. I might have said this before, but my guy feeling is girl. I have no idea why. I am getting really excited about finding out. We have names, nursery colors picked out for both. I like everything equally, so I don't care which one we end up with. One thing we haven't been able to decide on is a crib. We don't know if we should just do a regular crib, or a convertible one. Also, if we should get one with an attached changing table. Every website I go to, I find one I like. However, it's usually one on sale. If you don't know by now, I'm a cheapskate. I refuse to drop over $200 on a piece of furniture that will last only 2 years max. When baby is out of the crib, they will go straight to a twin bed. I don't like the convertible toddler bed. Because then they have to adjust to a bigger bed a few years later. I think going straight to a twin would be best. So even if we get a convertible one, the kid wouldn't use it! It's more about price and style. I'm thinking we may wait until I'm almost ready to pop before we actually get one. We have no where to store it anyway.
Alright, any early guesses on gender?!
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Week 13
This week has been the most interesting week by far. It included a trip to the ER, and an unscheduled Dr. appt.
Everything was going smoothly until I decided that Saturday I would clean out all the closets. That was an undertaking in itself. Then that night we thought we would go bowling. Actually, EW thought it would be a good idea. We got to hang out with our good friends, Matt and Sarah, so it was worth it. On Sunday around 11, I started spotting red blood. Of course I freaked, called the Dr. immediately, and they told us to go to the ER.
EW was a rock, he kept telling me everything was fine. The baby was fine. I was fine. But me being me, I was still really worried. I had just been to the Dr. last Thursday, and everything was fine, so then why the bleeding?
After being in the ER from 11-2:30, they were able to find the baby's heartbeat, and all my tests seemed ok. We went back home with no real answers.
The next day, Monday, I was able to get an appt, but with a Dr. that I had not yet met. Which was fine, as long as they gave me good news. After an ultrasound, the baby seems to be fine, and so did I, except for the spotting. They can only guess what is causing/caused it. I worried it was the cleaning/bowling, but they said that didn't have anything to do with the spotting. The Dr. told me that it was called a 'threatened miscarriage' and that there's nothing he or I could do. I took Monday off of work, and today (Tues.) also. I am hoping rest will do the trick, and baby will be fine.
I googled it of course, and about 30% of women to have a 'threatened miscarriage' actually go on to miscarry. So the odds are on our side. I know there is nothing I can do, which is very scary, but I also know that everything happens for a reason. All I can do is trust in the Lord. God gave me this little one, and if he sees fit, can take it away. It kills me typing that, but it is the truth. The past 13 weeks have changed my life forever. I pray that I will be able to say in 6 short months that I will have a baby. However, I know that God has a plan. If I have learned anything in my life of 27 years, it is that my plan means nothing, and to give my life over to God.
As for now, I am taking life day by day, treasuring every moment of the little one that is growing inside me, since I don't know what will happen tomorrow.
Everything was going smoothly until I decided that Saturday I would clean out all the closets. That was an undertaking in itself. Then that night we thought we would go bowling. Actually, EW thought it would be a good idea. We got to hang out with our good friends, Matt and Sarah, so it was worth it. On Sunday around 11, I started spotting red blood. Of course I freaked, called the Dr. immediately, and they told us to go to the ER.
EW was a rock, he kept telling me everything was fine. The baby was fine. I was fine. But me being me, I was still really worried. I had just been to the Dr. last Thursday, and everything was fine, so then why the bleeding?
After being in the ER from 11-2:30, they were able to find the baby's heartbeat, and all my tests seemed ok. We went back home with no real answers.
The next day, Monday, I was able to get an appt, but with a Dr. that I had not yet met. Which was fine, as long as they gave me good news. After an ultrasound, the baby seems to be fine, and so did I, except for the spotting. They can only guess what is causing/caused it. I worried it was the cleaning/bowling, but they said that didn't have anything to do with the spotting. The Dr. told me that it was called a 'threatened miscarriage' and that there's nothing he or I could do. I took Monday off of work, and today (Tues.) also. I am hoping rest will do the trick, and baby will be fine.
I googled it of course, and about 30% of women to have a 'threatened miscarriage' actually go on to miscarry. So the odds are on our side. I know there is nothing I can do, which is very scary, but I also know that everything happens for a reason. All I can do is trust in the Lord. God gave me this little one, and if he sees fit, can take it away. It kills me typing that, but it is the truth. The past 13 weeks have changed my life forever. I pray that I will be able to say in 6 short months that I will have a baby. However, I know that God has a plan. If I have learned anything in my life of 27 years, it is that my plan means nothing, and to give my life over to God.
As for now, I am taking life day by day, treasuring every moment of the little one that is growing inside me, since I don't know what will happen tomorrow.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Basic Brina & Baby Bump
As you can tell, things have changed around here. Not only have I not posted in a REALLY long time (since the middle of last year!), but life has done a total 180!
Last year it was just EW, Bandit, and me. But today, it's EW, Bandit, Baby, and me!
As of today, I'm in my 12th week! Wow, I can't believe I'm made it this far. So, I'm sure you want to know how we got here....
December 30th: I was wondering what was going on with my body, because even though I was not "late," I felt "off." Just in case, EW and I went and bought the Test!
December 31st, 4:30 am: I woke up with cramping and backaches. I thought that I was no longer late, and went to the bathroom, but decided to take the Test anyway, just because. As I sat there trying not to watch for the 2 pink lines, I paced the apartment. When I came back, there is was.....2 pink lines. My reaction: HOLY SH*T! I go wake up EW to have him look at it. He came in the bathroom and stared at it. Said, "Great" and went back to bed. (He told me later when he woke up, he thought he was dreaming...HA!)
January 30th: I was now 9 weeks, and finally had our first Dr. appt. We were able to see Baby Witkowski, and his/her little heartbeat. I have to say, it was one of the best days of my life thus far.
February 19th: I went for our nuchal test for chromosomal abnormalities. Baby W would not move. They has me roll from side to side, get up and walk around, and even go to the bathroom. I was concerned, but they say it happens sometimes. He/she was just sleeping, and a bit stubborn. I like to say Baby W obviously takes after EW :)
As for everything in between: I have the normal symptoms of: morning sickness, heartburn, abdominal stretching, emotional (Poor EW!) and I can't remember ANYTHING! The last one bothers me the most. I hate not being able to remember the things I need to.
We told our families around 6 weeks, and went FB official at 11 weeks. I was nervous at first to tell people, but the love/support we have gotten has been overwhelming. Everyone is so very excited for us. My mom has been so very supportive, I don't know what I would do without her.
We will be finding out the gender April 15th (only a little over 7 weeks away!) I honestly don't care one way or the other. EW thinks boy, I have a feeling of girl. We have names, but will be keeping them a secret until birth! I know a few people know them, so if you do, shhh!
Last year it was just EW, Bandit, and me. But today, it's EW, Bandit, Baby, and me!
As of today, I'm in my 12th week! Wow, I can't believe I'm made it this far. So, I'm sure you want to know how we got here....
December 30th: I was wondering what was going on with my body, because even though I was not "late," I felt "off." Just in case, EW and I went and bought the Test!
December 31st, 4:30 am: I woke up with cramping and backaches. I thought that I was no longer late, and went to the bathroom, but decided to take the Test anyway, just because. As I sat there trying not to watch for the 2 pink lines, I paced the apartment. When I came back, there is was.....2 pink lines. My reaction: HOLY SH*T! I go wake up EW to have him look at it. He came in the bathroom and stared at it. Said, "Great" and went back to bed. (He told me later when he woke up, he thought he was dreaming...HA!)
January 30th: I was now 9 weeks, and finally had our first Dr. appt. We were able to see Baby Witkowski, and his/her little heartbeat. I have to say, it was one of the best days of my life thus far.
February 19th: I went for our nuchal test for chromosomal abnormalities. Baby W would not move. They has me roll from side to side, get up and walk around, and even go to the bathroom. I was concerned, but they say it happens sometimes. He/she was just sleeping, and a bit stubborn. I like to say Baby W obviously takes after EW :)
As for everything in between: I have the normal symptoms of: morning sickness, heartburn, abdominal stretching, emotional (Poor EW!) and I can't remember ANYTHING! The last one bothers me the most. I hate not being able to remember the things I need to.
We told our families around 6 weeks, and went FB official at 11 weeks. I was nervous at first to tell people, but the love/support we have gotten has been overwhelming. Everyone is so very excited for us. My mom has been so very supportive, I don't know what I would do without her.
We will be finding out the gender April 15th (only a little over 7 weeks away!) I honestly don't care one way or the other. EW thinks boy, I have a feeling of girl. We have names, but will be keeping them a secret until birth! I know a few people know them, so if you do, shhh!
Big Sister Bandit!

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