Things have been a bit crazy around here. The days are counting down until our lease is up, and we still don't have a clue as to what we are going to do/where we are going to live. Things have been even further complicated by the fact that Bandit has been evicted from our apartment. The other 5 dogs in the no-dog building are allowed to stay I guess. They said they didn't know about others and deal on an individual basis. Needless to say, I am SO very happy that we will soon be out of this place! I hate apartment living, and hopefully in just another year we will be house hunting!
Even though things have stalled, I'm really trying not to let it get me down. I hate when I can't plan ahead, but right now we don't know what the next minute will bring, let alone tomorrow. I have really been seeking out God's guidance with all the situations going on right now. Also, I keep my confirmation verse on my mind. Not sure the number, but it's from Psalms. "Be still and know that I am God." This verse has gotten me though many rough times, and I'm sure it will get me through many more.
I have been on 2 interviews thus far, and I'm really hoping that I get a few more. The only thing is we can't find an apartment until we know where I will be working, if I get a job. I really have applied several places in and out of the area, so we're kinda stuck at the moment. I kind of have a back up plan if I don't get a teaching job, but that's a worse case scenario.
In my mind I know things will work out for the best, but it still keeps me up at nigh t that things are so unsettled. I think the hardest part will be finding a place to live. I am not at all excited about the apartments in any of the areas we are looking at. Either they are crappy or they are too expensive. It's just so depressing. Even though we still have a month an a half left in this place, I hate being here. When I came back from my parents house, I just wanted to walk right back out and go home. This place has never really been home to me, and I don't think anywhere will be home to me until we buy a house of our own. Just the thought of people telling us what we can/can't do, and people living here before and after us gives me the creeps. Everything that we have been though here makes me want to scream. The goal is to get a house within the next couple years, although that's only if I get a job farther south, since the prices are so much nicer down there. If we don't end up further south, I don't know what I'm going to do. Did I mention I hate apartment life? ha. I really need a job, since I can't stand being poor. I've done the whole poor thing for the past 25 years. I've put my time in, and I'm ready to get out. Oprah, if you're out there, do you need a new assistant? I'll work hard...
In other news: I've had a sinus migraine for the past 4 days, I'm down to about 6 pain relievers from 10, that's good. Bandit spent some time at Granma and Granpa's house. She loved it, and of course Uncle Tony was there too. He watched Bandit for me while I went to my interviews. She knows who everyone is now. If you ask her to go find Tony, Granma or Granpa, she runs and looks for them. She knew where Uncle Tony's room was and would go there to find him first. So cute! I'm pretty sure if it wasn't for Bandit I would be a mess in our current situation. I'm so lucky to be her mommy, and I am so happy that I pushed EW to think about getting her. Best decision ever! Now to think about adding to our brood...soon!
Bandit graduated puppy class. We are so very proud of her and how much she has learned. We're still working on polishing our commands, but it's going good. Our family picture is below.
Have a good week!