Proud Uncle Eric and Benny
Uncle Doug's girlfriend, Bobbi, and McKenna
On to the other love of my life, Bandit. We have had a few happy moments in the past couple weeks. One is that she can FINALLY go outside. We are trying to understand that we are supposed to go potty in the grass, and not have to go on the deck. Also, Bandy is teething. I have gone through 2 cell-chargers in the past week and a half. Oops, my fault. I am learning to keep lots of bones handy and put everything away. I also was able to give Bandit her first bath, and I'm happy to report everything went great! I only got a little wet, and she did get clean :)
This coming weekend, she will make her first road-trip home since we brought her into our family. We're going home to see my family, and Gramma and Granpa N. are very happy to see how much their girl has grown since they saw her last. Aunt Binky might be a different story, since our family cat has never met a dog. I sure hope Friday comes fast! I really need to get away from this place, and nothing is better than family.
She loves the sun.